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When I'm not conceptualizing 360 campaigns, I like to practice long copy.

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Frizz ease

The meteorologist predicts natural light.

The author bio pic photo shoot 

is scheduled accordingly.

You’re vain, 

and that small image in the back worries you

more than your actual work.

Hours and money spent to get the right look.

Allowed just enough time 

to let the dark clouds set in.

You had high hopes 

but nature took its course.

Rain comes down 

and your hair puffs up.

The photographer is set up 

and you have to suck it up.

There are no refunds. 

No promises were broken.

Next time remember:

There’s some ease in knowing what’s to come.

Frizz Ease

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Your parents won’t be around much longer.

You see your athletic old man slowing down.

Yet time is flying.

You spot the wrinkles multiplying on your beautiful mother’s face, 

A testament to all the late night voicemails left on your flip phone,

“Where are you? We said be home by 9:30!”

And you can’t believe how you got here.

For the times they are a-changin

Your parents are now your best friends.

So many aching heart, two faced friendships,

failures, and let downs they soul-mended. They were there all along.

Can’t get no satisfaction with knowing you spent so much time peeved by their hovering.

Now’s the time to make unforgettable memories.

Do things known to inspire joy.

Break from your routine,

Plan a trip with friends,

Go outdoors,

Dress up,


Listen to music and sing.

And dance.

Oldchella, the first of its kind.

Let's get together,

before we get much older.

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Poetic Tribute

Her brown eyes witnessed hate.

While her genius beautifully painted pain.

Her masterpieces, all critically acclaimed.

Did not allow her story to end in vain.

We will forever be blessed to analyze her truths

And remember her self given name.

Toni Morrison

©TatianaAbrego 2024

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